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Company Profile

Ours is a Kolkata based company consistently engaged in manufacturing a world class range of Material Handling and allied equipment. We are known to be one of the well renowned Manufacturers, Distributors, Suppliers & Traders, assuring best quality and prompt after sales support. Our customers rely on us, owing to the excellent quality of products. The wide array offered by us includes Chain Slings, Steel Wire Rope, Electric Wire Rope Hoist, Industrial Chains, Industrial Fasteners, Lifting Tackles, and more. These are high on precision, ensure optimum performance and are durable. 

Business Type Manufacturer , Trader , Supplier , Distributor
Primary Competitive Advantages
  • Cost efficient range of equipment 
  • Timely delivery of consignment 
  • Transparent business dealings
  • Ethical trade practices

Year of Establishment 1981
Product Range
  • Lifting and Hoisting Equipment
  • Material Handling Equipment
Our detailed product range comprises: 
  • Chain Slings
  • Industrial Chains
  • Industrial Fasteners
  • Lifting Tackles
  • Steel Wire Rope
  • Webbing Slings
  • Wire Rope Fittings
  • Wire Rope Slings
  • Polyester Webbing Slings & Cargo Lashing
  • Material Handling Trolley & Barrow
  • Shackle, Turn Buckle & Eye Bolt
  • Industrial & Marine Safety Items
  • Pulley Blocks
  • Hand Winch & Crab Winch